Erasmus+ Information Day in the Fields of Youth and Sports has been held

Today, in the premises of the Europe House, the National Erasmus+ Office organized an Erasmus+ Information Day in the field of youth and sports aimed at presenting the novelties of the 2025 call.

In the introductory part of the event, Vanja Drljević, coordinator of the National Erasmus+ Office, and Dragoslav Šćekić, minister of sports and youth of Montenegro, addressed the attendees.

The results of the selection within the previous call for the youth and sports field for Montenegro were presented by Vanja Drljević. Capacity-building actions in the youth and sports sector were presented by Rina Muhaj and Ljiljana Gogić from the National Erasmus+ Office. Newly-selected projects involving organizations from Montenegro were also presented: Mladiinfo – Milica Žugić, NVO Glas – Milica Dedić, PRONA – Vuk Vučeraković, Zero Waste Montenegro – Vanja Cicmil, Montenegrin Olympic Committee – Maja Peković.

The European platform for youth policies, YouthWiki, coordinated by the Ministry of Education, Science, and Innovation of Montenegro, was also presented by Krsto Vukadinović.

Presentations from the event are available below:

Rezultati selekcije za mlade i sport 2024. – Vanja Drljević, Nacionalna Erasmus+ kancelarija

Izgradnja kapaciteta u oblasti mladih 2025. – Rina Muhaj, Nacionalna Erasmus+ kancelarija

Izgradnja kapaciteta u oblasti sporta 2025. – Ljiljana Gogić, Nacionalna Erasmus+ kancelarija

STORY – Vanja Cicmil, Zero Waste Montenegro

NOT NEAT TO BE NEET – Milica Dedić, NVO Glas

Youth Wiki – Krsto Vukadinović, Ministarstvo prosvjete, nauke i inovacija Crne Gore

Previous “Culture on the Move: Erasmus+ through Intercultural Networking” was held


Pitajte nacionalnu Erasmus + kancelariju

Radno vrijeme: Ponedjeljak – Petak 8:00 – 16:00h

Konsultacije sa studentima: Ponedjeljak, srijeda i petak 10:00h -12:00h

Kontakt mejl za pitanja studenata:

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