Priorities of the new Erasmus+ program


The Programme seeks to promote equal opportunities and access, inclusion, diversity and fairness across all its actions.  Organisations and the participants with fewer opportunities themselves are at the heart of these objectives and with these in mind, the programme puts mechanisms and resources at their disposal. When designing their projects and activities, organisations should have an inclusive approach, making them accessible to a diverse range of participants.
To achieve this, National Agencies are also vital to support projects with a view for these to being as inclusive and
diverse as possible. Based on the overall principles and mechanisms at European level, National Agencies will draw up inclusion and diversity plans to best address the needs of participants with fewer opportunities and to support the
organisations working with these target groups in their national context. At the same time, the SALTO Resource Centres supporting the implementation of the programme are also key players in promoting and rolling out inclusion and diversity measures, in particular as regards to gather knowledge and to conceive and run capacity-building activities for National Agency staff and programme beneficiaries. Likewise, the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) plays an equally important role for the programme strands that are managed in direct management. In third countries not associated to the Programme, EU Delegations and – where they exist – the National Erasmus+ Offices (NEOs) and Erasmus+ Focal Points are also key in bringing the programme closer to the target groups addressed by this Strategy.

The COVID-19 pandemic shed further light on the importance of digital education for the digital transformation that
Europe needs. In particular, it emphasised the increased need to harness the potential of digital technologies for
teaching and learning and to develop digital skills for all. In line with the strategic priorities of the Digital Education
Action Plan (2021-2027), the Programme aims to support this endeavour to engage learners, educators, youth
workers, young people and organisations in the path to digital transformation.
The programme will support the first strategic priority of the Action Plan, the development of a high-performing digital education ecosystem, by building capacity and critical understanding in all type of education and training institutions on how to exploit the opportunities offered by digital technologies for teaching and learning at all levels and for all sectors and to develop and implement digital transformation plans of educational institutions.

Environment and climate action are key priorities for the EU now and in the future. The European Green Deal
Communication is the European new growth strategy and recognises the key role of schools, training institutions and
universities to engage with pupils, parents, and the wider community on the changes needed for a successful transition to become climate neutral by 2050. Environment and the fight against global warming will become a horizontal priority for the selection of projects.
Priority will be given to projects aimed at developing competences in various green sectors, including those in the
framework of the contribution from education and culture to sustainable development goals, developing green
sectorial skills strategies and methodologies, future-oriented curricula, as well as initiatives that support the planned
approaches of the participating organisations regarding environmental sustainability.

The Erasmus+ Programme addresses the citizens’ limited participation in its democratic processes and their lack of
knowledge about the European Union, and tries to help them overcome the difficulties in actively engaging and
participating in their communities or in the Union’s political and social life. Strengthening citizens’ understanding of the European Union from an early age is crucial for the Union’s future. In addition to formal education, non-formal learning can enhance the citizens’ understanding of the European Union and foster a sense of belonging to it.
The Programme supports active citizenship and ethics in lifelong learning; it fosters the development of social and
intercultural competences, critical thinking and media literacy. Priority is given to projects that offer opportunities for people’s participation in democratic life, social and civic engagement through formal or non-formal learning activities. The focus is put on raising awareness of and understanding the European Union context, notably as regards the common EU values, the principles of unity and diversity, as well as their social, cultural and historical heritage.


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