
eTwinning offers a platform for staff working in school or preschool institutions all over Europe. The aim of the portal is to support communication, cooperation and development of projects in an online environment. The eTwinning action promotes school collaboration in Europe through the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) by providing support, tools and services for schools. Use of the portal is free and safe.

Who can register on eTwinning?

Only staff (teachers, head teachers, librarians, pedagogues, psychologists, etc.) working in schools or preschool institutions can register in eTwinning portal and join eTwinning community.

eTwinning can be an opportunity for professional development and improvement.

The Portal provides the perfect environment for the exchange of ideas, experiences and advice, the possibility to participate in various groups and forums, and the opportunity for development of teaching and ICT skills through different online trainings.

The eTwinning Portal ( is the main meeting point and workspace for the action. Available in twenty-six languages, the eTwinning Portal now has the involvement of nearly 250,000 members and over 5500 projects between two or more schools across Europe. The Portal provides online tools for teachers to find partners, set up projects, share ideas, exchange best practice and start working together, immediately using various customised tools available on the eTwinning platform.

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