Capacity building projects

Capacity-building projects are international cooperation projects based on multilateral partnerships between
organisations active in the field of youth in Programme and third countries not associated to the Programme. They aim
to support the international cooperation and policy dialogue in the field of youth and non-formal learning, as a driver of
sustainable socio-economic development and well-being of youth organisations and young people.

The action will aim at:
• raising the capacity of organisations working with young people outside formal learning;
• promote non-formal learning activities in third countries not associated to the Programme, especially targeting
young people with fewer opportunities, with a view to improving the level of competences while ensuring the
active participation of young people in society;
• support the development of youth work in third countries not associated to the Programme, improving its quality
and recognition;
• foster the development, testing and launching of schemes and programmes of non-formal learning mobility in
third countries not associated to the Programme;
• contribute to the implementation of the EU Youth Strategy (2019-2027) including the 11 European Youth goals`,
and the Youth Action Plan in the EU External Action;
• foster cooperation across different regions of the world through joint initiatives;
• enhance synergies and complementarities with formal education systems and/or the labour market;

The activities proposed must be directly linked to the general and specific objectives of the action, i.e. they must
correspond to one or more of the thematic areas listed above and they must be detailed in a project description
covering the entire implementation period. Finally, in the context of this international worldwide action, project
activities must focus on building and strengthening the capacities of youth organisations and young people principally
in the third countries not associated to the Programme covered by the action.
Funded projects will be able to integrate a wide range of cooperation, exchange, communication and other activities
• contribute to encouraging policy dialogue, cooperation, networking and exchanges of practices;
• promote strategic cooperation between youth organisations on the one hand and public authorities, particularly
in eligible third countries not associated to the Programme;

  • promote the cooperation between youth organisations and organisations active in the education and training
  • fields as well as with organisations from the labour market;
    • raise the capacities of youth councils, youth platforms and local, regional and national authorities dealing with
    youth, in particular in eligible third countries not associated to the Programme;
    • enhance the management, governance, innovation capacity, leadership and internationalisation of youth
    organisations, particularly in eligible third countries not associated to the Programme
    • support the development of information and awareness campaigns, as well as the development of information,
    communication and media tools;
    • help developing youth work methods, tools and materials, including encouraging initiatives of co-creation and
    co-design of projects, allowing participatory project creation;
    • create new forms of delivering youth work and providing training and support; facilitate non-formal learning


Capacity-building projects are international cooperation projects based on multilateral partnerships between
organisations active in the field of sport in Programme and third countries not associated to the Programme. They aim
to support sport activities and policies in third countries not associated to the Programme as a vehicle to promote
values as well as an educational tool to promote the personal and social development of individuals and build more
cohesive communities.

The action will aim at:
• raising the capacity of grassroots sport organisations;
• encouraging the practice of sport and physical activity in third countries not associated to the Programme;
• promoting social inclusion through sport;
• promoting positive values through sport (such as fair play, tolerance, team spirit);
• fostering cooperation across different regions of the world through joint initiatives.

The activities proposed must be directly linked to the general and specific objectives of the action, i.e. they must
correspond to one or more of the thematic areas listed above and they must be detailed in a project description
covering the entire implementation period. Finally, in the context of this international worldwide action, project
activities must focus on building and strengthening the capacities of sport organisations and principally in the countries
not associated to the Programme from Region 1 covered by the action.
Funded projects will be able to integrate a wide range of cooperation, exchange, communication and other activities
including for example:
• Creating and developing networks between organisations/countries/regions;
• Developing and implementing exchange of best practices/ideas;
• Implementing common sport activities and educational side events;
• Launching, testing, sharing and implementation of new forms of non-formal learning methods, tools, practices and
materials through practical training and mobility of sport staff;
• Raising awareness on issues of discrimination of disadvantaged groups in sport;
• Supporting the building of an engaged and active civil society

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