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Two Erasmus+ impact studies published today

Please be informed that today the European Commission has published two new Erasmus+ impact studies for the higher education field.

The large-scale studies, based on the feedback from around 77 000 higher education students and staff and over 500 organisations, measure and analyse the impact the Erasmus+ programme has on its higher education participants and beneficiaries. Between 2014 and 2018, two million students and staff in higher education undertook a learning, training or teaching period abroad with the new Erasmus+ programme.

The Erasmus+ Higher Education Impact Study focuses on the impact on students who undertake a learning or training period abroad through the programme, in particular the impact on individual skills enhancement, employability and a sense of shared European identity. Furthermore, the study analyses the impact teaching and training mobility has on academic staff, in particular on their skills, attitudes and use of innovative methods as well as the institutional impact on the Higher Education Institutions themselves.

The Study on the impact of Erasmus+ Higher Education Strategic Partnerships and Knowledge Alliances on key Higher Education policy priorities provides an analysis of two types of Erasmus+ transnational cooperation projects, Higher Education Strategic Partnerships and Knowledge Alliances, and their coverage of the policy priorities and objectives. The analysis assesses what impact these projects have at systemic/policy, organisational and individual levels and how this affects the modernisation of higher education systems in Europe.

Previous Objavljene dvije studije uticaja Erasmus+ programa na visoko obrazovanje


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