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The meeting of coordinators of the newly selected projects in the field of higher education

The meeting of coordinators of the newly selected projects in the field of higher education was organized on January 27-28 2020 in Brussels (Belgium).

The meeting was aimed at considering the very beginning as well as the further implementation of the newly selected projects in the field of higher education, approved within the last Call for proposals – KA2 “Capacity building in higher education” of the Erasmus+ programme. The meeting has also served as an opportunity to consider the financial management of the projects.

Within the event, a number of workshops, as well as separate meetings intended to provide assistance in case of possible problems/obstacles that may be encountered during the implementation phase, as well as to clarify particular issues/concerns, were organized. The meeting has also served as an opportunity to bring together representatives of the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency in Brussels, the coordinators of the newly selected projects and representatives of the National Erasmus+ Offices.

A number of strategies for development and sustainability of the projects as well as a number of strategies for increasing the visibility of the projects were also presented.


Previous Prvi sastanak povodom početka sprovođenja projekta “Jačanje internacionalizacije na univerzitetima u Crnoj Gori kroz efikasno strateško planiranje”


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Radno vrijeme: Ponedjeljak – Petak 8:00 – 16:00h

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