Workshop is organized by the University of Montenegro within the Tempus project “Development of the Lifelong Learning Concept at the University of Montenegro” – Dellco. The project aims to develop the Lifelong Learning strategy for the University, thus enabling introduction of the new concept, to improve learning opportunities in Montenegrin society at large and achieving higher employability, to enable wider access to higher education, to incorporate non-formal and informal education into the overarching national qualification framework, as well as to enhance partnerships with relevant social partners.
New Law on National Vocational Qualifications will be presented, as well as the Law on National Qualification Framework and Law on Higher Education. University of Montenegro Strategies for Embedding Lifelong Learning (2012-2014) will also be presented.
Second part of the workshop will be devoted to the presentation of best European practices as well as to the working groups, facilitated by HERE expert, engaged within UNICA instrument for technical assistance to Tempus partner countries.
Agenda of the workshop you can find here.