Naziv projekta / Title | Strategy for European Integration of CARDS Universities |
Referentni broj / Reference number | |
Godina projekta / Project year | 2003 |
Trajanje u godinama / Duration in years | 2 |
Područje / Scope | Multi-country |
Tip projekta / Type | Tempus Joint project – Higher Education and Society |
Kratak pregled / Summary | 922 – Strategic development plans
Following the principles of Bologna declaration and prospects of joining European Higher Education Area, 11 Universities in CARDS countries propose to establish a strategy for structuring their studies of applied biology. |
Partneri / Partners | GRANT APPLICANT:
Grant applicant institution: AGRENA, Department for International Relations COORDINATOR: Coordinating institution: University Of St Kliment Ohridski, Faculty of Biotechnology, Bitola Contact person: Boris Angelkov CONSORTIUM: UNIVERSITY OF BANJA LUKA, Faculty of Technology, BiH ALBANIAN MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE CROATIAN MINISTRY OF SCIENCE MACEDONIAN MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE, FYROM UNIVERSITY OF NOVI SAD, Faculty of Agriculture, Novi Sad, Serbia MONTENEGRIN MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE, Biljana Misovic ECOLE NATIONAL D’INGENIEURS DES TECHNIQUE DES INDUSTRIES AGRICOLES ET ALIMENTAIRES, Department de Genie des Procedes Alimentaires, Nantes, UNIVERSITY OF GENT, Faculty of Agriculture and Applied Biology, Gent, Belgium UNIVERSIDADE DE SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA, Lugo, Spain UNIVERSITAT FUR BODENKULTUR WIEN, Department of Applied Microbiology, Wien, Austria SWEDISH UNIVERSITY, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden Individual experts: Petru Todos, Vice-rector, Technical University of Moldova, Chisinau, Moldova |
Odobreni budžet u eurima / Approved budget in euros | 291095 |
Tempus grant u eurima / Tempus grant in euros | 0 |
Preuzmite dokument / Download | Preuzmite |
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