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Rezultati selekcije projekata u okviru Erasmus Mundus akcije 2 – partnerstva

To su sljedeći projekti: TECH-WB – GREEN TECH WB – GreenTech: Smart and Green Technologies for Innovative and Sustainable Societies in Western Balkans (Univerzitet Crne Gore i Univerzitet Donja Gorica), SUNBEAM – SUNBEAM – Structured UNiversity mobility between the Balkans and Europe for the Adriatic-ionian Macro-region (Univerzitet Crne Gore i Univerzitet Mediteran), SIGMA A – SIGMA Agile – Critical Skills Learning for Innovation, Sustainable Growth, Mobility and EmployAbility in the Multicultural Environment of the Western Balkans (Univerzitet Crne Gore) i EUROWEB – European Research and Educational Collaboration with Western Balkans EUROWEB+ (Univerzitet Mediteran).

Listu svih izabranih partnerstava možete pronaći na sljedećem linku:



Previous Erasmus+ Izgradnja kapaciteta u visokom obrazovanju – Rezultati selekcije projekata


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