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Reports form the international conferences

Report from the study visit to University of Milano – Biljana Mišović

Report from the study visit to University of Milano – prof. Mira Vukčević

Report from the HERE seminar in Morocco – Prof. Saša Milić

Report from the HERE seminar in Lviv – Miloš Pavićević

Report from the HERE seminar in Warsaw – Biljana Mišović

Report from the study visit to University of Malmoe – Prof. Saša Milić

Report from the HERe study visit to University of Tallinn – Prof. Mira Vukčević

Report from the HERe study visit to University of Tallinn – Vuk Vuković

Report from the HERE seminar in Novi Sad – Prof. Saša Milić

Report from the HERE seminar in Novi Sad – Vuk Vuković

Report from the HERE annual conference 2015 in Tbilisi – Prof. Saša Milić

Report from the HERE annual conference 2015 in Tbilisi – Biljana Mišović

Report from the HERE annual conference 2015 in Tbilisi – Prof. Mira Vukčević

Report from the study visit to University of Ghent and European Commission (DG EAC) – Prof. Saša Milić

Report from the study visit to TU Berlin – Prof. Mira Vukčević

Report from the study visit to TU Berlin – Vuk Vuković

Report from the HERE seminar in Istanbul – Prof. Saša Milić

Report from the HERE seminar in Istanbul – Prof. Mira Vukčević

Report from the HERE seminar in Istanbul – Biljana Mišović

Report from the HERE seminar in Istanbul – Miloš Pavićević

Minutes from meeting of HERE team (27.02.2015)

Minutes from meeting of HERE team (19.01.2015)

Prishtina-Nada Kovac (Ministry of Education and Sports)

Alden Biesen-Biljana Misovic (Ministry of Education and Sports)

Nicosia- Biljana Misovic (Ministry of Education and Sports)

Nicosia – Prof. Mira Vukcevic (University of Montenegro)

Reports of  members of the Montenegrin HERE team from the international seminars that were organized during 2011:


Brussels – Petar Golubovic (student)

Oslo – Petar Golubović (student)

Oslo – Prof. Ramo Sendelj (University Mediterranean)


Reports of  members of the Montenegrin HERE team from the international seminars that were organized during 2012:

Brussels – Biljana Mišovic (Ministry of Education and Sports

Budapest – Prof. Sasa Milic (University of Montenegro)

Reports of  members of the Montenegrin HERE team from the international seminars that were organized during 2013:

London – Student Support Services

Madrid – Prof. Sasa Milic (University of Montenegro)

Madrid – Prof. Ramo Sendelj (University Mediterranean)

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