Naziv projekta / Title | Opening University towards Society: Linking Education-Research-Innovation |
Referentni broj / Reference number | JP – 145132 – 2008 |
Godina projekta / Project year | 2008 |
Trajanje u godinama / Duration in years | 3 |
Područje / Scope | Multi-country |
Tip projekta / Type | Tempus Joint project – Governance Reform |
Kratak pregled / Summary | The general aim of the project is to develop and implement structural measures in universities and society as a whole to strengthen the education–research–innovation triangle (ERIT) as important leverage for transition to knowledge-driven economy. Project objectives can be divided into three levels. The strategic level comprises analysis of stakeholders’ needs, identification of structural and legislative measures on local, national and regional level in order to create policies and other strategic documents (regulations, procedures, good practices). The implementation level is based on activities that will increase awareness and understanding of the role of ERIT in academic community, industry and public authorities. Special emphasis will be given to issues like: IPR, innovation, and academic entrepreneurship; increased participation in the Framework Programme and other EU projects; increased collaboration between universities, public authorities and industry on national, regional and European level. The establishment of the Centre for Research, Development and Technology at University of Zagreb will serve as a model for other universities in Partner Countries and Croatia. In addition, research quality assessment will be implemented by introducing indicators of scientific effectiveness and research productivity. |
Partneri / Partners | Katholieke Universiteit Leuven University of Vienna University of Montenegro Ministry of Education and Science of Montenegro University of Rijeka Croatian Chamber of Economy University of Zadar Faculty of Agriculture in Osijek University of Dubrovnik Ministry of Science, Education and Sport Ss. Cyril and Methodius University – Skopje Koncar – Electrical Engineering Institute Ericsson Nikola Tesla Podravka Enterprise Saarland University Pierre et Marie Curie Universite |
Odobreni budžet u eurima / Approved budget in euros | 929988 |
Tempus grant u eurima / Tempus grant in euros | 0 |
Preuzmite dokument / Download | Preuzmite |
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