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Erasmus Mundus Calls for Proposals

2011 Erasmus Mundus Call for Proposals (closed)

Actions Reference&application  Deadline Selection status
Action 1: Joint Programmes including scholarships EACEA/41/10












Selection results

Action 2: Partnerships with Third Country higher education institutions (including scholarships)


Action 3: Promotion of European higher education

 2010 Erasmus Mundus Call for Proposals (closed)

Call for proposals EACEA/22/10

Actions Reference&application Deadline Selection status
Action 2: Partnerships with Third Country higher education institutions (including scholarships)

Lot 2: Egypt

Lot 3: (a) occupied Palestinian territory, (b) Israel

Lot 9: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan

Lot 10: Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina , the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Kosovo (UNSCR 1244/99), Montenegro, Serbia, Croatia.











EACEA/22/10 (closed)





















Selection results

 Call for proposals EACEA/29/09

Actions Reference&application Deadline Selection status
Action 1: Joint Programmes including scholarships  




EACEA/29/09 (closed)












Selection results

Action 2: Partnerships with Third Country higher education institutions (including scholarships)


Action 3: Promotion of European higher education

 2009 Erasmus Mundus Calls for Proposals (closed)

Actions Reference&application Deadline Selection status
Action 1: Joint Programmes including scholaships EAC/04/2009 (DG EAC) 30/04/2009


Selection results


Action 2: Partnerships with Third Country higher education institutions (including scholarships)


Action 3: Promotion of European higher education EAC/30/2009 (DG EAC) 30/06/2009


Selection results


 2007-2009: former Calls for Proposals under External Cooperation Window

For more information about the past Calls for Proposals organised under the External Cooperation Window, please see the following pages:

EuropeAid/124352/C/ACT/Multi (Partnerships selected in 2007)

EACEA/34/07 (Partnerships selected in 2008)

EACEA/21/08 (Partnerships selected in 2008 – Additional Call for Asia region)

EACEA/35/08 (Partnerships selected in 2009)

EACEA 13/09 (Partnerships selected in 2009 – Additional Call for Latin America region)


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