We inform you that the call for proposals for the projects under Jean Monnet programme has been published.
Main activity under Jean Monnet programme is Jean Monnet action 1 and is aimed at raising awareness and knowledge about European integration through promoting studies, researchs and conversation about history, policy, economy and law of European Union and relations of EU with other parts of the world. Jean Monnet action is aimed exclusively to higher education institutions, which must be officialy accredited from state where they are established and must have appropriate legal status before they can participate in the programme.
Selection of projects is performed via annual call for proposals, which is managed by Educational, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) on behalf of European Commision. Deadline for submission of application for the current call is 15th February 2011.
Universities from all countries in the world are eligible to apply for Jean Monnet projects. Jean Monnet action is currently active in 68 countries on five continents. Since 2007 Jean Monnet Programme has been integrated in wider Lifelong Learning Programme. There are seven various activities under Jean Monnet Programme: Jean Monnet Modules, Jean Monnet Chairs, „Ad personam“ Jean Monnet Chairs, Jean Monnet Centres of Excellence, Support for associations of professors and researches specializing in European integration, Support for information and research activities, Jean Monnet Multilateral Research Groups.
However, we strongly support higher education institutions from Montenegro to apply for Jean Monnet programmes, starting from Jean Monnet modules. These modules are short courses on European integrations, including EU’s relations with other parts of the world.
All detailed information about the call for proposals as well as application form for Jean Monnet programme are available on the website of Educational, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/llp/funding/2011/call_jean_monnet_action_ka1_2011_en.php